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Cascades Four Teachers

The First and Second Teachers

Cascades School firmly believes in the concept of adults serving as the first teacher in the classroom, and the children as the second teacher. Adults play a central role in modeling behavior, providing guidance, and facilitating learning experiences for young learners. By creating a nurturing and enriching learning environment, educators lay the foundation for children's growth and development. Simultaneously, the children themselves, through their unique perspectives, interests, and interactions, become invaluable contributors to the learning process, enlightening educators about their needs, preferences, and learning styles. This dynamic interaction empowers students to take an active role in their education, fostering a sense of agency and autonomy in their learning journey. Embracing this partnership between adults and children as the first and second teachers in the classroom allows for a symbiotic relationship that enhances the overall educational experience for young learners.

The Third Teacher

'The environment is the third teacher' emphasizes the crucial role of physical surroundings in education. By designing learning spaces that inspire creativity and exploration, educators can enhance the learning experience for students. Thoughtful consideration of factors such as lighting, layout, and materials can foster student engagement and autonomy. Embracing the environment as a teaching tool empowers students to take an active role in their learning journey.

The Fourth Teacher

Plants and animals into the classroom environment can serve as the "fourth teacher" for students. By incorporating living organisms, such as classroom pets and indoor plants, educators can create opportunities for hands-on learning and meaningful experiences. These living elements foster a sense of responsibility and empathy among students as they learn to care for and observe the needs of these living beings. Additionally, the presence of plants and animals in the classroom provides natural opportunities for scientific inquiry, as children can engage in firsthand observations and investigations, igniting their curiosity and wonder about the natural world. Ultimately, embracing plants and animals as the "fourth teacher" in the classroom cultivates an environment that promotes respect for all living things and enhances the overall learning experience for young learners.

Primary Program

Primary Program

Programs that are progressive and developmentally appropriate for children ages 16 months to 9 years old.

Special Programs

Special Programs

Additional programs and skillset development that further scaffolds the primary programs.


Student Health, Safety
and Well-being a Priority.

School Features

The school safeguards its students to explore and learn in a risk free environment. The facilities and services are constantly improved to ensure a safe and nurturing environment for each child.

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Experience Cascades.

We are more than happy to welcome you to our home. Come see our first class facilities and see for yourself why this school is the best fit for your child.