A reggio-approach in education

Every child is viewed as
capable contributor, an active citizen of the world.Importance of expression
In Cascades, we believe that our children are born ready to learn and excited for the future. Our job is to help them retain the courage to bring out their natural talents and use them as their voice to express their ideas and understanding of the world. This kind of education will help the children live life with the authenticity and courage to be who they are regardless of their limitations.
Active Citizenship
The Cascades approach focuses on the understanding that even a child can be an active citizen of the community. Their "smallness" does not diminish their value or capabilities to contribute to the community's progress. Cascades Hiraya's goal is to make the community realize this truth and, in turn, create more opportunities for children to be involved and exercise their citizenship.

Primary Program
Programs that are progressive and developmentally appropriate for children ages 16 months to 9 years old.

Special Programs
Additional programs and skillset development that further scaffolds the primary programs.

School Features
The environment is the third teacher emphasizes the crucial role of physical surroundings in education.
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Experience Cascades.
We are more than happy to welcome you to our home. Come see our first class facilities and see for yourself why this school is the best fit for your child.
or read the enrollment process