
Primary Program

Primary Program

Gaining Independence

Children are taught different life skills that will help them be more independent. Simple chores will give them a sense of accountability and care for their surroundings. Life Skill will encourage self-discipline to the children.

Explore, Discover, and Share

Concepts are taught through activities that involves sensory observations allowing the children to collaborate and share what they observed and discovered.

Inventor’s Time

Children are guided by a professional to work on projects that may last for weeks or more depending on the time needed for the children to finish it.


Children listen to different stories and retell them in interesting ways through drawings, picture-story, puppetry,mini-movies, slide shows, and shadow plays based on how theyunderstand and remember it.


Professionals in different fields of Art (Visual Arts, Music, Dance and Theater) will help children create their own art work or performances exposing them to real tools and unique processes of the artists.


Make the most of your Cascades experience by taking advantage of the following promos:

Early Bird Discount

10% Discount for phone reservations and enrollments as early as July 24 until August 30, 2019 (only limited slots available)

Siblings Discount

10% Discount for 2nd child and 5% discount to succeeding enrolled siblings

Referral Discount

5% discount per referral (discount is given only for this year)

Experience Cascades

We are more than happy to welcome you to our home. Come see our first class facilities and see for yourself why this school is the best fit for your child.